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9-6-2018 door (jeroen.steen.1)

Omschrijving: For the past 200 years, the gallery has been the home of new and cutting-edge art, a place where the art community can come together and share new ideas. But in this episode, we ask: is the web browser replacing the gallery as the best place to view amazing, cutting-edge art?!? In the era of the internet, you can view remarkable art from the comfort of your laptop. Accessible to virtually everyone, web art does away with the physical limitations of the gallery and makes impossibly cool art a part of our daily lives! New Idea Channel episodes now every Wednesday!!! Let us know what sorts of crazy ideas you have, about this episode and otherwise: Tweet at us! @pbsideachannel (yes, the longest twitter username ever) Email us! pbsideachannel [at] gmail [dot] com Hosted by Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) Made by Kornhaber Brown (http://www.kornhaberbrown.com) Art From the Episode: Mr. Div GIFs: http://mrdiv.tumblr.com/ Fat Lab: http://fffff.at/ Evan Roth: http://evan-roth.com/about/ Olia Lialina: http://art.teleportacia.org/olia.html Ryan Trecartin: http://ryantrecartin.com/ V5MT (online art collective): http://v5mt.tumblr.com/ Battle of Grunwald: http://gallery.thecreatorsproject.com/gallery/Battle-of-Grunwald/3944653 Surge Cycle (collaborative interactive video): http://artcontext.net/act/07/surgeCycle/ 9 Eyes (google street view art): http://9-eyes.com/ Want some more Idea Channel? Here's last week's episode: "Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?" http://youtu.be/4BoE-woHtwA Want another one? Here ya go:"Are Bronies Changing the Definition of Masculinity?" http://youtu.be/Est3UNs-LIk You want more? Check this one out: "Are Hologram Tupac and Hologram Freddie Mercury Nostalgia Or New Aesthetic?" http://youtu.be/YPa7p2WVpj0

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